Mobile Nirvana

"iPhone 4. Verizon. It begins." This is the recent tag line that appeared in Apple ads for the new Verizon iPhone. Too dramatic? Not for me.

I'm a longtime Apple user. Maybe product loyalty is an inherent trait, since I'm also a fairly longtime Verizon customer. I couldn't have predicted the ascendancy of the iPhone, nor could I have envisioned the 4 year reign of AT&T's exclusivity agreement with Apple. So, needless to say, my technological ch'i has been noticeably out of wack for several years.

No longer. The Verizon iPhone 4 is my new companion. To know it is to know blissful, electronic enlightenment. After a 6-month stint with an Android phone, I have finally arrived. No more goofy usability problems or OS malfunctions. It knows my MacBook, and my MacBook knows it. I have emerged from my dark, primitive chrysalis, and now I can fly freely to and fro across the technoverse.
"If a man can control his [phone] he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.
